Technology for climate change
With the changing climate, smallholder farmers face new challenges that require tailored solutions. At Advanta Seeds, we aim to provide innovation and seeds technology to address the most challenging issues.
Enhancing nutrition
Growing nutritional crops is essential to fight hunger and malnutrition. Most farmers in regions with food security challenges are smallholder farmers who lack resources and knowledge to be productive and to feed their families. We look for the best solutions and technology to improve nutritional value and provide high yielding crops.
Adding value
Adding value to smallholder farmers is to go beyond seeds and provide opportunities that can significantly improve their livelihood. Advanta Seeds is actively exploring the food production value chain to add value to smallholder farmers.
From Nepal to Nebraska, we’re making a difference on farms everywhere
Innovation orbits that are making the power of information accessible to all

A new farming innovation hub launched in Southern Queensland. The new initiative provides an opportunity to look at the very foundations of a farm’s operation and ask what can be done differently to not only improve production today, but to also anticipate the challenges growers may face in 10-15-20 years’ time as our climate changes and technology evolves. Foundation Farm is about working collaboratively as an industry to utilize the best people or agronomists and researchers research, technology and products in order to continually evolve how a farm operates for the better.

Fortia is the first platform in the agricultural sector that makes information on livestock forage management with respect to agricultural production available to the user in a friendly, modern, and simple way. In this space, growers will find relevant information on corn and sorghum silage making and management and the direct grazing of forage sorghums.
Fortia offers the knowledge farmers need to optimize the efficient production of kilos of meat per hectare per acre, both in pure livestock areas and mixed systems. On Fortia, they can find insights from agricultural advisers, and hear from real agriculture producers who are a part of this collaborative platform.

Designed as a space for collaboration, Advanta Innovation Centers connect agriculture producers directly to our latest innovations in seed technology. These facilities aim to promote the Advanta’s latest agricultural advancements and maintain the agricultural sector’s sustainability through state-of-the-art technological innovations, research and relevant consultations.
Globally growers are invited to witness field corn, sorghum, and vegetable hybrids consistently proven to outperform and outproduce others in the region. Advanta teams also provide technical and business development assistance to smallholder farmers.