Advanta’s solution to rampant weed growth

igrowth is a herbicide tolerance technology that was developed by Advanta Sementes in Argentina, using mutagenesis methods, which is a non-transgenic technology, so it is not genetically modified. It has made a game changing difference in weed control to sorghum farmers. With it, Advanta has expanded the reach of its first commercially available, non-GMO herbicide-tolerant technology for grain sorghum and forage sorghum globally.

Weed growth, a major concern

Weed grasses are usually hard to control due to a lack of chemicals that can be sprayed over the top without causing injuries to sorghum crops. Raging weed growth is a major cause of lower yield potential as it competes with the sorghum crops for resources like water and nutrients. Depending on the region, wet or dry season, infestation and weed species, farmers face yield losses up to 70% in extreme cases.

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igrowth - a blessing to sorghum farmers

With igrowth, Advanta assists weed control with the possibility to spray imidazolinones herbicides in Pre or Post Emergence, thus, reducing weed competition and their usage of water and nutrients preserving these essential resources for the sorghum crop. igrowth hybrids deliver ground breaking performance that transform sorghum cultivation and help realize its true potential with better and bigger yields. The successful combination of igrowth and top performing genetics has accelerated sorghum growth even in the face of unpredictability of climate, various environments and challenging terrains.

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We had planned this batch to go to alfalfa, it was going to be ideal to supplement the feeding of the establishment's dairy farm. With the weather conditions we wanted to try another alternative, and we went to sorghum, we planted the ADV 2800, at the end of November, and it produced a large volume, an extraordinary quality, that is why we decided to leave it for reserve or rolled, is what you see, an incredible sorghum of high quality and excellent volume. In addition, we did not have to make any type of application because it is a very healthy sorghum.
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Nicolás Lopéz, Argentina
We observed the ADV 8122 VT3PRO last season with excellent performance in the area, adaptation to high densities and with surprising results. We believe it has good plant structure and cane strength. Furthermore, it is a very healthy hybrid and the most notable thing is its drying speed, which is no less important in late and early sowing... this year we chose it for our plots and we know that we are going to achieve high yields!
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Pedro Robiolo, Argentina