Helping Farmers Worldwide Prosper With ‘Sorghum - The New Super Crop’

Advanta delivers state-of-the-art Sorghum genetics to over 50 countries

From Australia to Argentina, we are helping farmers improve productivity and profits through Sorghum applications. We strive to provide superior genetics to improve yield. With our long history of research in sorghum genetics and experience in many geographies and varieties of sorghum, Advanta boasts of the widest and most diversified forage and grain sorghum portfolio.


Herbicide Tolerant


Grain Sorghum Company in Argentina & Australia


Years of experience in sorghum R&D


In Sorghum Technology



Forging the future with Sorghum since 1962

Sorghum business established under Pacific Seeds in Australia

Selling OP grain sorghum in Australia

First grain sorghum hybrids launched in Australia - Pacific 007 and Pacific 222 

First grain sorghum breeding program established in Argentina under CONTINENTAL Company


Launch of the first grain sorghum hybrid - Overo in Argentina

Start of the grain sorghum breeding program in Brazil (as Conti-Brazil Company)

Merger of the Pacific Seeds Australia and Creates the Global Sorghum breeding programs under Advanta


Start of Forage sorghum breeding programs in Argentina and Australia

Advanta acquires R&D Research Station in Venado Tuerto - Argentina


Advanta starts developing molecular breeding strategies in Balcarce Biotech Center - Argentina

Early maturity hybrid PAC501 commercilized in India

First SSG hybrid Jumbo commercialized in India

Advanta Acquires sorghum germplasm from VDH company

Medium maturity hybrid PAC 537 commercialized in India

Launch of the first Dual purpose sorghum hybrid for Argentina - VDH422


Advanta Starts selling grain and forage sorghum hybrids in USA (Out-licensing to G&T)

Sugargraze the single cut hybrid commercialized in India


Advanta Seed brand launch in Brazil 

Advanta Acquires Garrison & Townsend (G&T) in US and starts sorghum breeding operations.

Advanta acquires Crosbyton US and sorghum germplasm

Launch of new sorghum hybrids across Tanzania, Kenya and Ethopia

Start of sorghum breeding programs in India.

Aphix technology launch in the US

Igrowth technology launch in Argentina

launch of igrowth in Australia

Opening of Biotechnology Center in College Station USA for sorghum breeding and research


igrowth launch in the US

first trials of Aphix in Europe, trials of igrowth in South Africa

Brachysorgho commercialized in India

First Forage Multi-Cut sorghum x sudan Igrowth hybrid Launch in Argentina

Igrowth launch in Russia and Ukraine

Aphix technology launch in Argentina

Jumbo Super SSG hybrid with PS (Ultra Late Maturity i.e. Photoperiod sensitive) commercialized in India

Pearl Millet 'Nutrijet' launch in Romania and France

Our Technologies

Providing an answer to the ever-increasing problem of uncontrolled weed growth Advanta has made a game changing difference to sorghum farming. With Igrowth Advanta assists weed control by reducing their usage of water and nutrients and preserving them for the sorghum crops. Igrowth gives the farmers a chance to terminate the growth of weeds without adversely affecting the growth of crop plants, thus ensuring a higher and healthier yield.

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Addressing the problem of sugarcane aphids creating havoc in sorghum fields, Advanta has developed and designed a reliable solution, Aphix. It tackled and overcame the SCA issue and proved to be a blessing to the farmers. Apart from controlling the massive outbreak of SCA it also protected and promoted the growth of their sorghum crops.

Enabling the plants to overcome early growth challenges and produce a healthy and abundant yield, Vertix is a source of assurance to multiply the profits of farmers. It protects the seeds from pests and pathogens that begin early and continue to plague the plant throughout its growth cycle. With better seed germination and optimized plant growth Vertix improves the seed potential and final yield of crops.


BMR is the most reliable in getting maximum forage Sorghum returns. It’s the most advanced technology in forage sorghum hybrid for fortified nutrition in beef cattle. It offers increased palatability and digestibility, supporting more weight gain in the animals. Delivering more energy per pound, this trait creates a superior source of nourishment that also improves milk production/ha.


Brachytic Dwarf is a cutting-edge forage sorghum technology that offers the best trait for superior standability and high leaf-to-stalk ratios. It produces sturdy, versatile, and high-yield plants with comparable tonnage to normal height sorghums.


Dry Stalk for reduced moisture levels, for earlier baling and storage.


Sorghum biofumigant technology are a type of sorghum that has been bred to produce compounds that can control nematodes and soil diseases. These compounds are released when the sorghum is chopped and incorporated into the soil. Biofumigant sorghum are high in glucosinolates that produce the biofumigant effect.They offer a number of advantages for sustainable farming systems are: can help to manage nematodes and diseases, reducing the need for pesticides; they can improve soil health, making it more fertile and productive from the combination of high biomass yield and carbon/nitrogen ratio. Overall, Advanta sorghum biofumigant hybrids are a promising new crop that has the potential to revolutionize sustainable agriculture.


Photoperiod Sensitivity (PS) is an innovative technology that opens a wider production window for growers. Photoperiod Sensitive Sorghum remains vegetative until day lengths become less than 12.5 hours. Thus, giving sorghum growers the flexibility they need with a wide harvest window, allowing them to get maximum value from every sorghum acre.


Low prussic acid (LPA) sorghum multi-cut hybrids has been bred by Advanta Seeds to have a lower level of hydrocyanic acid (HCN) in leaf and stems. HCN is a poisonous substance that can be harmful to animals if consumed in high levels. LPA sorghum hybrids are a safer option for farmers to grow, as they are less likely to cause poisoning when direct grazing fodder at early plant growth stages. It allows farmers to be grazing sorghum crops with the highest fodder quality. LPA sorghum multi-cut hybrids reduced risk of poisoning and increase fodder quality as could be delivered at early stage of growth.


While the world has been struggling with climate change and increasing drought, we have been investing in developing traits and exploring management techniques that can help deliver more dependable outcomes in the harsh environments. Along with our partners University of Queensland, and Queensland’s Department of Agriculture in Australia we have completed 5 years research on identifying sorghum genes with improved heat tolerance to incorporate it into new varieties. Today we are deploying those discoveries and developing adapted superior genetic hybris with heat stress tolerance and climate resilience.

Why Sorghum

Why Sorghum

Low input – high productivity crop
Growing sorghum is very beneficial for farmer:
beneficial for farmers

Profit (low water and agricultural inputs crop). Sorghum use almost 50% less water than other grain crops.

beneficial for farmers

Rotation crop (planted after corn) sorghum enhances the soil health.

beneficial for farmers

Low cost and highly nutritive livestock feed for diary and meat industry.

beneficial for farmers

Enhancing yield of other crops, after growing sorghum the farmers noticed a higher yield in soybean fields by 20%.

The best animal nutrition

Sorghum is an excellent source of nutrition when added to diets for many animals. The grain has similar properties to corn with higher protein and energy value. It can be used in most of the animal livestock sectors. Sorghum is successfully utilized in the beef, swine, dairy and poultry industries, as well as an ingredient in pet food. Due to its high nutritional value, starch content, and good tolerance to mycotoxins, sorghum can offer a safeguard for animal nutrition. Additionally, to its nutritional benefits it is also attractive to growers when looking to decrease cropping input cost, since it has lower growing cost per ton, lower ration prices can be achieved when fed to bovine, pigs, poultry, fish, and birds.Sorghum is an excellent complementary source of energy that can improve the overall profitability of protein production industry. As per Ruminants, sorghum can be used as an interesting ingredient, with vitreous endosperm with slow degradation of starch in the rumen and reduced risk of acidosis, it can be formulated as energy pellets to help increase animal performance.

animal nutrition

Poultry Profit (low water and agricultural inputs crop). Sorghum use almost 50% less water than other grain crops.

animal nutrition

Ruminant Grain sorghum can be utilized for energy as concentrates to increase performance in balanced rations. The sorghum forages are excellent for grazing,silage and hay.

animal nutrition

Pigs The digestible energy of sorghum is relatively high. That is why even unprocessed sorghum grain is very suitable for feeding pigs and can be used in ratio up to 30%.

animal nutrition

Pets Sorghum can replace corn as an excellent healthy ingredient for Pet foods with high nutrition while remaining gluten free

The new ‘Super food’

Sorghum is an intelligent food that has many advantages in food production and the culinary arts, as well as being good for our health. Sorghum is cooked like rice or quinoa and can be served in many ways. Sorghum is a versatile cereal and can be transformed into flour, whole grain, pasta, milk, pop sorghum, sorghum flakes, beer and spirits.

The Health Power of Sorghum
super food
Nutrition Sorghum grain is packed with nutrients:
  • Protein for healthy bone, muscle, skin and enzyme development.
  • Iron to strengthen the immune system and oxygen-carrying capacity in the blood.
  • Vitamin B6 is integral in synthesizing antibodies and enhancing nerve function.
  • Niacin to improve blood circulation.
  • Magnesium supports calcium absorption and body temperature regulation
  • Phosphorus helps form healthy bones
super food

Antioxidant Rich Sorghum grain is rich in antioxidants which lower the risk of cancer, diabetes, heart disease and some neurological diseases

super food

Digestive health Sorghum is high in fibre, which is the ultimate body regulator for the digestive system

super food

Blood Pressure & Circulation High in potassium and low in sodium, sorghum grain promotes healthy blood pressure. It also contains iron, copper, zinc, and magnesium, which all improve circulation.

super food

Energy Sorghum is a complex carbohydrate, which provides sustained energy. It also contains niacin, or vitamin B3, which helps convert food into energy.

super food
Gluten-Free Sorghum is 100% gluten-free and it is safe for people with Celiac’s Disease and gluten intolerance. Both sorghum flour and whole-grain sorghum are great substitutes for wheat-based recipes
super food
super food
super food
super food
A Raw Industrial Material of the Future

Sorghum genetic diversity with various high biomass yield varieties of sorghum, including forage, sweet and biomass sorghum is an excellent crop for bioenergy and biomass production.In fact, growing sorghum for methane production doesn't compete with its cultivation as a food crop. Biomass sorghum is in fact one of the intermediate biofuel producing crops which can serve a dual purpose. there are several varieties of sorghum with high biomass potential and/or a composition suitable for a number of bioenergy strategies, such as starch conversion, the use of the soluble sugars from the stem and the use of lignocellulosic biomass. Sorghum has very high energy yields, comparable to those of corn.

industrial material

Bioenergy Sorghum, rich in fiber, is used in the production of biofuel, biogas and ethanol.

industrial material

Biomaterials Sorghum is an excellent fibrous raw material to produce industrial pulp that is used for biomass-based materials like bio-plastic and paper

industrial material
Climate-Smart Crop With Positive Impact On The Environment

Sorghum is one the most efficient crops in conversion of solar energy and use of water, and is known as a high-energy, drought-tolerant, resource conserving grain and is highly resilient to the climate- change.

climate smart crop

Saving Water Sorghum can adapt to heat and drought, requiring 30-50% less water than other grains

climate smart crop

Building soil health Sorghum increases organic matter, re-cicle nutrients, capture and retain moisture and reduce soil erosion.

climate smart crop

Restoring our environment Sorghum Crop The crop has a reduced carbon footprint through no-tillage practices and nitrogen-use efficiency. Sorghum sequestrates harmful carbon from the atmosphere and stores it in the soil, cleaning our air and helping to fight climate change.

climate smart crop

Resource-Conserving Ingredient With its exceptional nutritional profile that includes protein, iron, B6, niacin, magnesium and phosphorus, this climate-smart and water saving advantages delivers value to the earth and the consumer.

climate smart crop

Building soil health the no-tillage practices and nitrogenuse efficiency helps to reduce the carbon footprint.Sorghum’s high sequestration ability helps remove harmful carbon from the atmosphere.Sorghum can capture 3.4–7.2 Mg of CO2 per hectare [20]. In addition, these previous authors found that sorghum roots can accumulate up to 14% of the total carbon capture in the above and underground biomass

Sorghum Portfolio

We have a number of sorghum products under Advanta, Alta Seeds and Pacific Seed brands. Our sorghum portfolio consists forage and grain sorghum products tested and adapted to local environment. We offer various sorghum technologies based on the needs of local growers.


Zambia Zambia

Tanzania Tanzania

South Africa South Africa

Sorghum Portfolio

We have a number of sorghum products under Advanta, Alta Seeds and Pacific Seed brands. Our sorghum portfolio consists forage and grain sorghum products tested and adapted to local environment. We offer various sorghum technologies based on the needs of local growers.


Zambia Zambia

Tanzania Tanzania

South Africa South Africa

Sorghum Portfolio

We have a number of sorghum products under Advanta, Alta Seeds and Pacific Seed brands. Our sorghum portfolio consists forage and grain sorghum products tested and adapted to local environment. We offer various sorghum technologies based on the needs of local growers.


Zambia Zambia

Tanzania Tanzania

South Africa South Africa

Sorghum Portfolio

We have a number of sorghum products under Advanta, Alta Seeds and Pacific Seed brands. Our sorghum portfolio consists forage and grain sorghum products tested and adapted to local environment. We offer various sorghum technologies based on the needs of local growers.


Zambia Zambia

Tanzania Tanzania

South Africa South Africa

Sorghum Portfolio

We have a number of sorghum products under Advanta, Alta Seeds and Pacific Seed brands. Our sorghum portfolio consists forage and grain sorghum products tested and adapted to local environment. We offer various sorghum technologies based on the needs of local growers.

North America

Sorghum Portfolio

We have a number of sorghum products under Advanta, Alta Seeds and Pacific Seed brands. Our sorghum portfolio consists forage and grain sorghum products tested and adapted to local environment. We offer various sorghum technologies based on the needs of local growers.


Ukraine Ukraine

Russia Russia

Turkiye Turkiye

Sorghum Portfolio

We have a number of sorghum products under Advanta, Alta Seeds and Pacific Seed brands. Our sorghum portfolio consists forage and grain sorghum products tested and adapted to local environment. We offer various sorghum technologies based on the needs of local growers.


Ukraine Ukraine

Russia Russia

Turkiye Turkiye

Sorghum Portfolio

We have a number of sorghum products under Advanta, Alta Seeds and Pacific Seed brands. Our sorghum portfolio consists forage and grain sorghum products tested and adapted to local environment. We offer various sorghum technologies based on the needs of local growers.


Ukraine Ukraine

Russia Russia

Turkiye Turkiye

Sorghum Portfolio

We have a number of sorghum products under Advanta, Alta Seeds and Pacific Seed brands. Our sorghum portfolio consists forage and grain sorghum products tested and adapted to local environment. We offer various sorghum technologies based on the needs of local growers.

South America

argentina Argentina

Brazil Brazil

Sorghum Portfolio

We have a number of sorghum products under Advanta, Alta Seeds and Pacific Seed brands. Our sorghum portfolio consists forage and grain sorghum products tested and adapted to local environment. We offer various sorghum technologies based on the needs of local growers.

South America

argentina Argentina

Brazil Brazil

Sorghum Portfolio

We have a number of sorghum products under Advanta, Alta Seeds and Pacific Seed brands. Our sorghum portfolio consists forage and grain sorghum products tested and adapted to local environment. We offer various sorghum technologies based on the needs of local growers.


Australia Australia

New zealand New zealand

Sorghum Portfolio

We have a number of sorghum products under Advanta, Alta Seeds and Pacific Seed brands. Our sorghum portfolio consists forage and grain sorghum products tested and adapted to local environment. We offer various sorghum technologies based on the needs of local growers.


Australia Australia

New zealand New zealand

Sorghum Portfolio

We have a number of sorghum products under Advanta, Alta Seeds and Pacific Seed brands. Our sorghum portfolio consists forage and grain sorghum products tested and adapted to local environment. We offer various sorghum technologies based on the needs of local growers.
