Our commitment to human rights is woven into everything we do – from our interactions with farmers, and supply chain operations, to our marketing and business operations. In all our actions we uphold the guiding principles set out by international and regional Human Rights organisations and adhere to the laws of the countries we operate in.

Our policies are steadfast in opposing child labour, discrimination, non-freedom of association, and forced labour. These policies extend not only to our employees but also to our customers, contractors, suppliers, and all other third-party business associates.

We are in alignment with:

  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  • UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights
  • The International Labour Organization’s (ILO’s) core conventions
Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

The policy enumerates the risks of human rights violations that may arise due to our widespread business and collaborations with multiple third-party associates. UPL forbids child labour, protects labour rights, support diversity and non-discrimination, freedom of association, and safety. The policy encompasses not only our employees but also our customers, contractors, suppliers, and all other third-party business

Code of Conduct

Supplier Code of Conduct

The policy enumerates the risks of human rights violations that may arise due to our widespread business and collaborations with multiple third-party associates. UPL forbids child labour, protects labour rights, support diversity and non-discrimination, freedom of association, and safety. The policy encompasses not only our employees but also our customers, contractors, suppliers, and all other third-party business

Code of Conduct

Human Rights Policy

The policy enumerates the risks of human rights violations that may arise due to our widespread business and collaborations with multiple third-party associates. UPL forbids child labour, protects labour rights, support diversity and non-discrimination, freedom of association, and safety. The policy encompasses not only our employees but also our customers, contractors, suppliers, and all other third-party business

Learn more
Code of Conduct

Child Labour Policy

The policy enumerates the risks of human rights violations that may arise due to our widespread business and collaborations with multiple third-party associates. UPL forbids child labour, protects labour rights, support diversity and non-discrimination, freedom of association, and safety. The policy encompasses not only our employees but also our customers, contractors, suppliers, and all other third-party business

Learn more

Governance and protection of human rights

Human rights violations, if any, are arbitrated by a committee made up of cross functional leadership and headed by our Chief Human Resources Officer. The committee periodically reviews and updates our Human Rights policies and practices. They also oversee the organising of awareness programs, trainings, campaigns, workshops, seminars, etc. for various stakeholder groups

To ensure we practice what we learn, regular inspections and surprise audits are conducted at our plants, warehouses, offices, and other strategic third-party locations. With a zero-tolerance approach toward human rights violations, any business partners found guilty face an investigation and may find their association with us permanently terminated

For an individual to report a concern, we have a robust whistle- blower policy and a global grievance mechanism for any stakeholders to raise and resolve issues or potential violations

All our stakeholders can connect via grievance@upl-ltd.com to report any potential or ongoing concerns. We ensure that reporting a concern will have no action or reprisal rebound on the individual raising it.

With Human Rights Assessments and the associated due diligence being sensitive matters, at UPL, we have set in place mechanisms, and regional / international commissions to act on any instances of violation swiftly, and with all necessary confidentiality.

Human Capital Development

Our assessment methodology involved pre-planning and scoping across major locations of our operations, third parties, and JVs across India and overseas.

  • Senior management

  • Cross functional employee in different cadres

  • Contractor in skilled, semi-skilled & unskilled categories

  • Security staff

  • Third party manufacturers

This cross-hierarchy, broad-based information gathering helped us identify and map our Human Rights landscape – i.e. the nature and extent of potential risks linked to our activities. We focused on 8 major aspects of human rights:

  • Child Labour

  • Discrimination

  • The rights of Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

  • Fair Remuneration

  • Fair Working Hours

  • Occupational Health and Safety

  • Bonded Labour

  • Workers’ Involvement and Protection

This consists of:

  • Strengthening existing procedures and systems

  • Revising and upgrading existing policies and assessment manuals

  • Increasing vigilance at every level of the company

  • Improved internal control measures

  • Increased proficiency in audits and third-party onboarding

For specific and complicated issues an action plan is devised with a timeline for implementing the recommendations.

Our control systems are interspersed with checkpoints, monitored on a regular basis by selected individuals across our internal and external operations. Human right audits are conducted at operation and third-party sites to monitor the level of policy adoption and verify their compliances to our code and policies. In them we map out:

  • Locations that have not implemented policies

  • Locations that have partially implemented the policies

  • The parameters that are difficult to implement at specific location, and reasons thereof

Respect for human rights is an integral part of our global sustainability strategy and we commit to transparently report on the progress of our efforts in our internal periodic reports, Sustainability Reports and Business Responsibility Reports.

Click here for Child Labour SOP

Click here for Equal Employment Opportunity Policy

Click here for Grievance redressal Policy

Click here for Leave Policy