Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

UPL is a global provider of sustainable agriculture products & solutions based in India and is the fifth largest crop protection company globally by revenue according to IHS Markit. UPL has grown organically and inorganically through 40+ acquisitions made in the last 25 years. UPL has a global footprint and operates across 138+ countries as of date and has more than 13000 product registrations.
UPL believes that diversity in the Board helps to assess risks and opportunities in a universal manner while keeping in mind the best interests of all stakeholders. UPL Ltd., the company listed in India and UPL Corporation Limited, Mauritius, the flagship company of the Group for its global operations have separate boards consisting of Directors from diverse domains including chemistry, agri-inputs, finance, economics, food policy and sustainability among others. Having two Boards which operate independently also helps to bring in versatility to the table and addressing business criticalities through a strategic approach. Both the Boards have well-defined policies and constituted several committees as part of their corporate governance framework to ensure superlative and sustainable performance.
Our corporate governance philosophy is a reflection of our value system encompassing our legacy, culture, vision, mission, policies and relationships with all our stakeholders. At UPL, we are committed to doing things the right way which means taking business decisions which are ethical and in compliance with applicable legislations. The Company is focused on enhancement of long-term value creation for all stakeholders without compromising on integrity, societal obligations, environment and regulatory compliances. The corporate governance framework globally is guided by our core values viz: Always Human, Nothing’s Impossible, Win-Win-Win, One team – One focus, Agile and Keep it simple – make it fun.
Always Human
Nothing’s Impossible
One team, One focus
Keep it simple, make it fun

Dual Board Structure
